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Enjoying Education In Korea

Are You Ready To Start Your Adventure In Korea?!

There are a lot of preparations that need to be done before you can start studying in Korea. But don’t worry, we are here to help! In order to enroll in one of the offered programs, it is important that you read the application process carefully. Following these instructions will increase the chance of successfully enrolling in one of the programs. If you haven't decided which program to enroll in, you can contact us to request more information and advice on the suitable program for you

Application Form

Write your full name as written in passport

Please check once more for your email

Are you currently enrolling or graduted regarded to highest education?

TOPIK test measures proficiency in reading, writing, and listening comprehension in the Korean language.

If you dont have a TOPIK level, what do you think your korean level is?

To which university would you like to apply for the Korean language program? You can select multiple programs.

To which program would you like to apply?

To which internship program would you like to apply?

Select the semester you prefer to start your Program.

Starting dates are for regular courses and summer camp (business tour must consult with our staff)

Choose a date you wish to start internship

GlobalE&S Accommodation is an optional service (Additional price)

Airport Pick-up is an optional service (Additional price)

Choose a social media to share your ID

This is the second contact point if we could not reach you by the preferred contact method

I hereby confirm that I have read the application process and the privacy policy. I understand that applying on this website does not guarantee a successful application to the language program.